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Python is a popular programming language created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991. It is known for its simplicity and versatility, making it a favorite for web development, software development, mathematics, and system scripting.

What Can Be Done Using Python?

Used on a server side to create web applications Used alongside software to create workflow Used to connect databases Used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics Used for rapid prototyping or for production-ready software development.

Python Logo

Beginner Level

Basics of Python

Variables are created the moment you first assign a value. Datatypes are attributes that tell the computer how to interpret the value. Control structures allow you to specify the flow of execution in your code. Functions are essential building blocks that organize and reuse code. Modules are files containing Python definitions and statements.

Data Structures

A list is a mutable data structure written within square brackets. A tuple is an ordered collection of elements, enclosed in parentheses. Dictionaries store items in key-value pairs. Sets are a collection type used for storing multiple items in a single variable. Strings are composed of a collection of characters.

File Handling

The read ('r') mode opens a file for reading, placing the file pointer at the beginning of the file, and an error occurs if the file does not exist. The write ('w') mode opens a file for writing, truncating the file to zero length if it exists and creating a new one if it does not. The append ('a') mode opens a file for appending, placing the file pointer at the end of the file, and creating the file if it does not exist. The binary mode ('b') is used for dealing with non-text files like images or executables.

Object-oriented Programming

A class is a code template for creating objects. Objects are variables containing data and functions to manipulate that data. Inheritance allows one class to inherit attributes and methods of another class. Encapsulation involves wrapping data and methods into a single unit. Polymorphism is the occurrence of something in multiple forms.

Python Image

Intermediate Level

Advanced Data Structres

The collections module provides specialized container datatypes. Generators are functions or expressions that allow you to iterate over data one element at a time. List comprehension is a concise way of creating lists from existing ones. Iterators are objects that can be looped over with a for loop.

Functional Programming

Lambda functions are anonymous functions defined with the lambda keyword. The map function applies a function to all items in an iterable. The filter function filters elements in an iterable based on a function. The reduce function applies a rolling computation to sequential elements.

Modules and Packages

Modules are single files containing Python code, while packages are collections of modules organized in a directory hierarchy.

Working With API's

The requesting library is used for making HTTP requests, and JSON data is a lightweight data interchange format.

Database Connectivity

The basics of SQL refer to Structured Query Language for database management, while Python connectivity involves integrating SQL with Python applications.

Fast API

FastAPI is a high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python 3.8 and above.

Desktop Application

PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework, and Tkinter is a standard GUI toolkit for Python.

Data Manipulation and Visualization

Pandas is a Library for data manipulation and analysis. whereas Seaborn is For making statistical graphics in Python.

Web Scraping

Beautiful Soup is for parsing HTML and XML documents. Requests are used to send HTTP requests and handle responses.

Version Control

GIT is a DevOps tool for source code management.

Expert Level

Web Development

Flask and Django are high-level Python web frameworks. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the building blocks of web development. Jinja2 is a templating engine for rendering HTML templates with dynamic data. SQLAlchemy is a SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for managing database connections and queries.

Data Science

Scikit Learn is a library for machine learning algorithms. TensorFlow is an end-to-end platform for machine learning. PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning. NumPy is a library for working with arrays. Matplotlib is a libra

Machine Learning Engineer

ML algorithms are mathematical models that enable computers to learn from data. Neural networks extract identifying features from data.

Web Scraping and Automation

Testing frameworks are tools for automating software tests, and Selenium is a tool for automating web browsers.
